A grandmother is a mother who has a second chance

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Throw me a fish, wouldja?

Ed's been having a bad case of wanderlust lately so tomorrow morning we're heading to Seattle for a few days. He had initially planned to surprise me and just said we were going out of town. Then it got to him and he wanted help making some decisions so last week he told me where we were going.

So, airfares are fun these days! Each day the price rose $30. Ed was freaking out. But we finally found something fairly reasonable and booked it. Of course, we depart at 7:30 am tomorrow morning. Normally, that wouldn't be so bad. But we have to fly out of SFO which is 45 minutes from the house, and allow time to park the car. Oh, yes, and get to the airport early enough (6:00am) to actually get through security with our Ziploc quart bag stuffed full of 3oz bottles and the always dangerous lip liner. Working backwards that means we have to leave the house at 4:45am. One more step - I have to get up at 4:00am at the latest to go on vacation! Oh, the agony. I'm not a late sleeper, usually up by 7:00 or 7:30 am. But that is NOT the same at 4:00am.

Oh, yes, coming back on Saturday we got a 6:30 am flight. Leaving Sea-Tac. At least an hour from downtown Seattle. Do the math. I may as well not even go to bed Friday night.

But the trip should be fun. I really like Seattle - Pike's Place Market, steamed clams, Ranier beer, San Juan Islands, ferry boats, lots of guys who look like they just came out of a Brawny paper towel ad, and rain. The weather has been in the 80's for the past several days. Ah, but while we're there it will be in the low to mid-70's with chance of rain. Of course.

Hey, a vacation is a vacation. Who am I to complain?!?


Unknown said...

Rain, of course rain! ;)

Have a fantastic time. I love Pike Place Market too. I love to stop at every booth and eat my way through the place.

namaste said...

wow sandi. you two are the most travelingest ppl i know. have fun! when i grow up i want to do the same!



Desert Diva said...

Does Ed have a brother? What a nice surprise for you. Have a great time!

tunia said...

Yeah...you're not complaining!1
That was just a bit of sharing..?!

Nikki said...

Happy 4th Sandi! here is another connection, I was born in Seattle and have tons of relatives there and visit often...are we related? be safe! :)N

Chatterness said...

Ed is so frigging AWESOME!!