A grandmother is a mother who has a second chance

Friday, November 16, 2007

I guess if this is the biggest thing I have to worry about......

The shoes I wore to work today squeaked. Not a little - a lot! Especially on the tile floor in the long hallway I have to walk going from meeting. They were a bit quieter on the carpet, but not much. Most embarrassing. Couldn't sneak around, or in or out of the office. It sounded like a plaintive cry for WD40.

Got up during one meeting to get some iced tea and the sound was deafening. I saw some of the physicians looking around like "What the hell is that?" So I looked around with them, my brow furled, in order to deflect their attention from my feet.

Now I have to decide whether to keep them for wearing to loud events. Or pitch 'em.


Unknown said...

How much do you love the way they look? Do you think the squeaking is something that might go away? One can always hope! ;)

Anonymous said...

You would make a terrible stalker with those shoes. So, as long as that's not in your retirement plans, you should be OK.

I usually walk around coughing a lot when I'm wearing squeaky shoes.

Scoobers said...

you know, i had a pair of shoes like that. bought them for work. there was no sneaking into a patients room to quietly hang an antibiotic at 3am.

now, i sneak around in crocs. the quietest shoes on the planet.

oooh. that would make for a good slogan.

Anonymous said...

They must be Clark's, No? Cause I swear some of their shoes "squeak" so bad.

Unknown said...

You know the saying...there's only two tools a man needs in his toolbox...duct tape for things that are too loose and WD40 for things that are too tight...or squeeky...

P.S. At least you didn't have loud underwear or something...

KellytheCulinarian said...

Oh I hate that! And it seems like I never notice until I get to work.